Thursday, July 8, 2010

Words Addendum

Okay, I take it back. Everyone should be able to write. Writing is the best therapy for anything. It's the clearest way you can express yourself and it lasts long than the spoken word.

Not everyone should be published though.

I like owls. I'd rather be a cat* though if I had the choice. Sleep all day and wake up for hugs and food.

Housecat duhh.


  1. You sure do have a way with words, love your succint style writing, and thank you so much for commenting at my blog, I appreciate it so much, and i hope we still can be in touch, sending you love from singapore, Jemina, xoxo

  2. Everyone should be able to write, not everyone should be published though.
    I love that, I think it holds true for most YA novel's :P


  3. Thanks! Love from Turkey to you Jemina.

    Sarah: Yup, totally agree.


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