It's been a little past 7 months since I started this blog and I thought it might be a good idea to go back and see how far I've come on the project. The completed tasks are preceded with a (X).
(X) Task 1: Plan out the project.
(X) Task 2: Have a Madonna dress-up day and get this thing going.
(X) Task 3: The "sex" talk. Because no Madonna project is complete without some racy stuff.
( ) Task 4: Audition for something, anything.
( ) Task 5: Get the fashion blog aspect of the blog going (I have started integrating fashion stuff but need to do the daily outfits posts that are so popular on blogs. Because I can definitely match them).
(X) Task 6: Beliefs, faith, "God," talk. "Like a prayer, I'll take you there."
( ) Task 7: Write my book.
( ) Task 8: Design my t-shirt.
(X) Task 9: Conquer Egglet and her claws. I did, kind of.
( ) Task 10: Teach myself Hindi.
(X) Task 11: Get into a healthy exercise program.
(X) Task 12: Go back to India.
( ) Task 13: Learn to tie a sari.
( ) Task 14: Watch 8 Miles High, the life of Uschi Obermaier (another inspirational, amazing woman)
( ) Task 15: Have a "mod," day.
( ) Task 16: Karaoke timez. Ugh.
(X) Task 17: Do something with Borusan Kultur and Sanat. The program may not have worked out but I did contribute music to another event and maybe something will come of it when I get back.
(X) Task 18: Horsey times. May not have ridden it but did spend time with my daddy and Lulu his other baby.
( ) Task 19: Write a new script.
( ) Task 20: Edit existing scripts.
(X) Task 21: Write a series of kids books about Egglet. I started her blog (
Like A Mews) and I will continue that and eventually turn it into a book.
(X) Task 22: Get involved with helping others.
(X) Task 23: Embrace my joy of dancing. Belly dancing classes start September 15.
(X) Task 24: Dressed up night on the town. Did it one better; went to a movie premiere.
( ) Task 25: Go to a gay bar!
(X) Task 26: Warhol print/Madonna artwork for my new place.
(1/2 X ) Task 27: Read
Anna Karenina and various other classics.
(X) Task 28: Learn to drive.
(X) Task 29: DIY my metal shirts. Finish vest and get going on the new one.
(X) Task 30: Watch Drowned World and various other Madonna concert films. Just Sticky & Sweet left.
( ) Task 31-100 - Adopt air of Madonna; go confidently forward and find out what my life is supposed to be.
Hmm. It's the big tasks, the writing ones, that I need to really get going on. That's a little disappointing. I invented this project to motivate me to do those things first and foremost. I don't consider this a waste of 7 months but I do hope to have made more than a dent in the remaining tasks by January, when this project is a year old.
That's my deadline. By the end of January, I want to be mostly done with this project, especially the writing tasks. That gives me a little over five months. I started this blog on January 15 but I'll set the date for the 31st. It's going to be hard, five months is not a long time to take on writing projects but I've always worked fast and well and on a different level than other people so I can probably do it.
I'll be turning 25 on September 13th. I would like to have materials worth submitting to Gersh by January, one year after I started working for them. I have high hopes for my 25th year, I hope I won't let me down.
Looking back though, I can remember exactly when and how I started this project. How lost and sad I was and how silly me thought 100 tasks in 100 days was poetic enough to do because I was dumb and didn't realize my tasks were not all things able to be accomplished in a day (write a freakin' book!). It's been a long time since the beginning of the year and yet, it went by really fast. So far, 2010 has been all right, barring a few glaring events, and I hope the universe will help me and all of us push it to be the best it can for the rest of the year. This is where I knock on wood and say a quick prayer wishing health and happiness to all my loved ones.